Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mother's 90th Birthday, April, 2006

Laurel is standing behind Mother holding Jacob. I am beside her and Joseph is in front of me. Michael is front in shorts and black shirt, Ashley is on the floor holding Zach and Jack is leaning on the post. This is a picture of family members that attended the party, some from Michigan and some from Georgia. She was surprised! Knew she was having a party but had no idea of all the family members coming.


hedgie said...

That's one big, happy family, Lolly! And I'm sure your lovely Mom was the happiest of all! Nice memories.

stronghunter said...

Really nice picture. Lolly. Quite a gathering. Beautiful picture.

paula eagleholic said...


Costume Lady said...

What a wonderful family keepsake, Lolly, just lovely. I love family photos...looking at them after a loved one is gone is priceless!

Mema Jo said...

That is simply beautiful